Ways We Can Help

Check out our services and ways we can help below.

If there’s something not there that you’d like to see if we can help with, just click the button below.

AI Receptionist

Get a receptionist for a fraction of the cost.

Some studies suggest that 82% of people or more don’t leave voicemails. Plus, people that call expect a response within 9 minutes or less. If they don’t, they’re usually either unsatisfied or will go somewhere else to solve their problem.

AI technology nowadays is able to answer calls, answer any questions callers have, and even schedule appointments. And with our custom back-end technology, we’re able to put those appointments directly into Jane App.

If you’d like to learn more and see if it makes sense for your business, click here to schedule a free call.

Business Report

A lot of people run their business off guesses and feelings. Sometimes this is the right choice. Other times, you can figure out what you should do just by looking at your business data.

With our business report, we comb through your business data for you and come up with a concise report that tells you:

  • How your business is doing,
  • How the numbers have changed since previous years,
  • What metrics can be improved and suggestions to improve them.

It takes a lot of the guesswork out of growing your business.

If you’d like to discuss any particular problems you’re facing and see what the data says, just click here to schedule a free call. You can learn more and we’ll see if it’s a good fit.

Google Ads Management

Google Ads are a super powerful tool to get more patients—if they’re used correctly.

If they’re not used correctly, they can be a complex, tough-to-use, complete waste of money.

The way you use Google Ads locally tends to be different from the way you use Google Ads nationally. Local ads tend to have smaller budgets—which means that a lot of the complex Google Ads features won’t work that well.

We focus on the few things that matter when it comes to local Google Ads. Because of that, our fees are a lot cheaper.

And if we don’t improve your results within 3 months (or you just decide it’s not for you), then we’ll give you your money back.

If you’d like to learn more, just click here and schedule a free call. Let’s see if we’re a good fit.

Health Newsletter

Staying in contact with your patients means you stay top-of-mind. Staying top-of-mind means patients are more likely to come to you more often. This can directly translate to an increased patient visit average (the number of times a patient sees you on average).

There are multiple ways you can stay in contact, but one of the easiest is to start an email newsletter. And that’s precisely what our health newsletter accomplishes.

We’ll completely manage a health newsletter for you and you can enjoy the benefits of increased contact with your patients.

If you’d like to learn more and see if we’re a good fit, then just click here to schedule a free call.